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Top quality plasticware tested and used by scientists. Each lot supported by the test result.

Oosafe® 4 Well Dish

Oosafe® 6 Well Dish

Oosafe® Center Well Dish with 2 Compartments

Oosafe® Center Well Dish with 2 Compartments, Label Area Grip

Oosafe® Center Well Dish, Non Treated

Oosafe® 35mm Dish, High Wall, Treated Surface

Oosafe® 35mm Dish, Non Treated

Oosafe® 50mm Dish, Thin Bottom, Non Treated

Oosafe® 50mm Dish, Thin Bottom, Non Treated_

Oosafe® 60 mm Dish, Non Treated

Oosafe® 100 mm Dish

Oosafe® Synergy Dish

Oosafe® Sperm Collection Cup, 80 ML

Oosafe® Andrology Tube, 5 ml

Oosafe® Snap-Cap Tube, 14 ml

Oosafe® PS Centrifuge Tube, 15 ml